關於 Sincdoo PLA
PLA 生物塑料代表了開發更環保、更可持續材料的一大進步,旨在為地球帶來更健康的環境。
PLA 提供了一種有效的材料解決方案,可通過其環保性、可再生資源和應用多樣性來減少環境污染並推動可持續發展。
Sincdoo Biotech Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of the ZB Group, specializing in the research and application of polylactic acid (PLA) products. ZB Group is a large apparel manufacturing company in China, providing OEM services to numerous well-known brands in various fields, including suits, sportswear, casual wear, outerwear, coats, underwear, children’s clothing, and home textiles. In addition, ZB Group also develops specialty fabrics for specific applications.
As a subsidiary of ZB Group, Sincdoo is committed to the development and application of sustainable, biodegradable products. Leveraging ZB Group’s strong design and supply capabilities, we offer innovative solutions and high-quality products in the fields of PLA fibers for clothing, PLA daily products, and PLA medical supplies.
Raw Material Procurement:
While most biodegradable materials on the market are derived from staple crops, Sincdoo is dedicated to selecting higher-quality, more responsible raw materials for PLA. We prioritize the procurement of raw materials that have minimal impact on food supply, such as straw, sugarcane, and a small amount of genetically modified corn, which are used for fermentation to produce PLA. These materials are often agricultural by-products or high-yield crops that do not significantly affect global food supplies. Additionally, the by-products of fermentation can be used for the production of other products.
This raw material procurement strategy not only reduces competition for food resources but also adheres to sustainable development principles, promoting environmental protection and resource efficiency. Sincdoo hopes to contribute to global food security and ecological balance while promoting PLA products.
Technological Innovation and R&D Capabilities:
PLA modified Granular Products: We collaborate with internationally renowned PLA resin companies, such as NatureWorks, Total Energies, Haizheng Bio, and Fengyuan, to customize modified PLA raw materials for different applications based on specific product characteristics.
PLA Fiber: We offer both short fibers and long fibers made from PLA. Through upgrades in production lines and improvements in weaving techniques, we produce high-quality, versatile fabrics. We provide 100% PLA fabrics, and based on customer requirements, we also offer blended fabrics to suit different usage environments, helping more enterprises achieve carbon reduction goals. For example, we replace polyester fibers with PLA fibers, greatly reducing the use of petroleum-based products. Our PLA and wool blended fabric ensures stable performance while avoiding the use of cotton and petroleum-based materials, as well as reducing the amount of wool used, ultimately improving animal welfare and environmental protection. In addition, Sincdoo offers blended fabrics made from organic cotton and RWS-certified wool to meet customer demands in various regions. We support customers with OEM solutions to produce PLA fabrics and finished clothing products.
PLA Daily Products: We provide customized PLA products, including daily necessities (knife,fork,spoon,cups, etc.)and 3D printing materials, and can add coffee grounds or rice husks to create unique appearances and enhance the environmental effects.
PLA Medical Field: We offer disposable PLA products for hospitals, such as medical sheets and white coats.
Automotive and Building Materials: We also develop various eco-friendly products that incorporate PLA materials, aiming to minimize environmental pollution and help related enterprises reduce carbon emissions.
Sincdoo’s Certifications and Team
We provide various certifications, including DIN, TÜV, BPI, and others. Sincdoo has a professional R&D and design team, collaborating with well-known research institutions and universities to jointly develop high-quality products. Our designers come from globally recognized apparel companies and are capable of providing customized, high-quality product development solutions in partnership with customers.
Sincdoo PLA Recycling Solutions
Due to differences in regional policies, not all areas are equipped for biological composting and degradation. Therefore, we provide several PLA recycling solutions:
Composting: In areas with composting facilities, customers can directly compost and degrade PLA products.
Recycling and Reuse: We cooperate with recyclers in China to recycle PLA products, crush and extrude them into flooring materials used in interior and exterior decoration.
Incineration: In regions with electricity shortages, PLA products completely combust to produce water and carbon dioxide, significantly reducing environmental pollution compared to chemical products.
Enzymatic Degradation: Sincdoo has partnered with XIKE Enzyme to develop enzyme preparations that accelerate the degradation of PLA, aiming to further demonstrate PLA’s advantages in the biodegradable field.
*Research has shown that PLA, even when decomposing slowly in the natural environment, will not result in microplastic hazards.
PLA 是可生物降解的,意味著它可以在工業堆肥設施中分解為水和二氧化碳,顯著減少環境影響。與傳統的石油基塑料相比,PLA 的生產和分解排放的溫室氣體更少,有助於緩解氣候變化的影響。此外,PLA 的降解過程不會產生有害的微塑料,這對保護水生和土壤環境至關重要。
PLA 來源於玉米澱粉、甘蔗等作物,這些都是可再生資源。這與從有限化石燃料生產的傳統塑料形成鮮明對比。利用可再生資源不僅有助於減少對化石燃料的依賴,還促進了可持續農業,為農業副產品創造新價值。
PLA 優秀的物理和化學性能使其廣泛應用於各個領域,包括包裝材料、一次性餐具、紡織品、醫療用品和3D打印材料。這種多樣性使PLA成為滿足不同產業對環保材料需求的高度靈活材料。PLA的多樣應用展示了其在促進環境可持續性和支持綠色經濟增長方面的巨大潛力。

The Sustainable Lifecycle of Polylactic Acid (PLA)
Polylactic Acid (PLA) is a groundbreaking sustainable material that demonstrates a complete circular lifecycle. Derived from renewable resources such as straw, corn starch, and sugarcane, PLA is processed into versatile products that, after use, naturally degrade through composting into organic fertilizer, water, and carbon dioxide. This eco-friendly cycle reduces waste, protects the environment, and contributes to a greener and more sustainable future.
關於聚乳酸 (PLA) 的常見問題
為什麼 PLA 被認為是環保的?
PLA 被認為是環保的,因為它來源於如玉米澱粉或甘蔗等可再生資源,這些資源在生長過程中吸收CO2,減少溫室氣體排放。此外,PLA 在適當條件下能完全生物降解,減少長期環境污染。
如果 PLA 被意外丟棄在環境中,對健康和環境有什麼影響?
相比傳統塑料,PLA 因其可生物降解性,不會在環境中持續存在並產生微塑料,從而降低對環境和人體健康的潛在危害。
PLA 的生物降解性是如何實現的?
PLA 的生物降解性是在工業堆肥環境的高溫和高濕條件下,特定分子鏈斷裂,最終分解為二氧化碳和水。這需要特定的堆肥設施。
應用 PLA 的優勢
PLA 的應用優勢在於其多樣性和可定制性。它可用於製造包裝材料、一次性餐具、服裝產品、耐用商品、生物醫療產品,甚至汽車內飾產品。通過添加不同的添加劑,PLA 還可以提高耐熱性或改變其生物降解率,以滿足各種領域的需求。
PLA 與其他生物塑料的不同之處
相比其他生物塑料,PLA 在生物降解性、原材料來源和生產過程的環境影響方面通常表現更好。PLA 的原材料主要是農作物,這使其在減少對化石燃料依賴方面具有明顯優勢。
使用 PLA 產品在安全和健康方面的優勢
PLA 產品在安全和健康方面提供了多項顯著優勢,尤其是在食品包裝和容器以及嬰幼兒產品中:
- 不釋放有害物質:PLA 由天然可再生資源製成,不含對人體健康有負面影響的有害雙酚 A (BPA) 或其他化學物質。相反,一些傳統塑料在接觸食物或暴露於熱量時可能會釋放有害物質。
- 生物相容性:由於其生物基質性質,PLA 更適合人體,在醫療領域廣泛使用,如可生物降解的縫線和藥物傳輸系統,這表明 PLA 被認為對人體的毒性風險較低。
- 降低長期暴露風險:由於 PLA 是可生物降解的,使用它可以減少環境中微塑料的積累,從而減少人們通過食物鏈間接暴露於微塑料的風險。長期暴露於微塑料被認為可能對健康有不利影響。特別是在嬰兒玩具中,由於嬰兒的咀嚼習慣,可以防止嬰兒攝入塑料並對身體造成傷害。
- 更安全的廢物處理:PLA 產品的可生物降解性質意味著它們在適當的處理條件下可以完全分解,減少在廢物處理過程中釋放有害化學物質的風險。
關於 PLA 產品的常見問題
Sincdoo 聚乳酸 (PLA) 纖維的應用場景
Sincdoo 聚乳酸 (PLA) 纖維作為一種環保和健康意識的材料,提供了廣泛的應用範圍,不僅僅是填充材料,還涵蓋了紡織和服裝行業。作為填充材料,PLA 纖維是傳統合成填充物的理想替代品,增強了產品的健康性和可持續性,使其適用於嬰兒玩具、沙發等的填充材料。在服裝領域,PLA 纖維因其獨特的優勢而脫穎而出,如親膚性、抗菌特性、環保性、無毒性、耐污性、耐水性、輕便性和舒適性。這些特性不僅滿足了現代消費者對健康和環保服裝的需求,還推動了服裝行業朝著更可持續的發展道路前進。
Sincdoo 耐用 PLA 產品的應用場景和產品優勢
- 餐具:Sincdoo 的 PLA 餐具不僅環保且可生物降解,還具有優異的耐熱性和強度,適用於一次性和可重複使用的餐飲服務。它還可應用於嬰幼兒餐具領域,替代大多數塑料產品。
- 兒童硬玩具:PLA 材料的無毒性使其成為製造兒童玩具的理想選擇,確保安全的同時提供耐用性和強度,能夠承受日常磨損。
- 化妝品包裝盒:在化妝品包裝領域,PLA 不僅提供了一種環保的包裝解決方案,還通過其出色的外觀和可定制性提升品牌競爭力,提供了品牌提升的新可能性。
- 3D 打印材料:作為 3D 打印材料,PLA 因其環保性、打印機兼容性、美觀性、機械性能、健康安全性和成本效益而廣受業餘愛好者和專業人士的認可和讚賞。
Sincdoo 的耐用 PLA 產品不僅滿足了市場對環保、健康和高質量材料的需求,還為企業提供了探索新市場機會和提升品牌價值的有力支持。
聚乳酸 (PLA) 在醫療用品領域的應用展示了其作為一種生物相容和可生物降解材料的獨特優勢,包括:可吸收縫線、藥物傳輸系統、支架和植入物、組織工程、定制 3D 打印醫療設備、口罩、一次性醫療墊等。PLA 在醫療用品中的廣泛使用,不僅是由於其可生物降解性和生物相容性,還因其可定制性,為患者提供更個性化和有效的治療選擇。這些應用展示了 PLA 在促進可持續發展和醫療領域創新方面的重要作用。
聚乳酸 (PLA) 在汽車內飾中的應用
聚乳酸 (PLA) 在汽車內飾配件中的使用代表了邁向可持續和環保汽車製造的重要一步。我們目前的 PLA 產品範圍包括設計用於長期保護的耐用地墊、符合人體工學設計的頭枕以提升舒適度,以及多用途的手機支架以增加便利性。這些產品不僅展示了材料的多樣性和耐用性,還展示了其在汽車行業中減少環境影響的承諾。
聚乳酸 (PLA) 的回收
工業堆肥:PLA 是可生物降解的,但需要特定的工業堆肥設施,在高溫和適當的濕度條件下進行有效的分解。這種方法可以將 PLA 完全分解為水和二氧化碳。
化學回收:通過化學回收過程,PLA 可以解聚為其原始單體或其他有用的化學物質,然後可以在新的聚合反應中重新使用以創建新的 PLA 產品。
機械回收:雖然不像 PET 等傳統塑料那樣常見,但機械回收也可以應用於 PLA。這涉及將 PLA 產品物理研磨成小顆粒,然後清潔、熔化並重新加工成新產品。
能量回收:由於 PLA 是由有機材料製成的,因此可以通過焚燒來回收能量。雖然這不是最環保的回收方法,但在沒有其他回收選項的情況下,它可以將 PLA 轉化為能量而不是填埋。