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SD806- Sincdoo Polylactic Acid Modified Granules for Film Bags- Sample

SD806- Sincdoo Polylactic Acid Modified Granules for Film Bags- Sample

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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Sincdoo Biodegradable Modified Masterbatch Special Material for Film Bags

Test Item Test Method SD806
Density g/cm³ ISO 1183 1.45 ±0.02
Melt Flow Rate g/10min ISO 1133 2—5
Tensile Strength MD/TD: MPa ISO 527 24/20
Elongation at Break MD/TD: % ISO 527 350/500
Tear Strength MD/TD: mN ISO 6383-2 1500/1000
Shrinkage td: g ASTM D 1709 -A 150



1. Excellent printing performance, strong support.
2. Easy to process, not sticky to mold, not easy to break, excellent heat sealing performance, strong heat seal.
3. Compared with products of the same thickness, lighter finished product, easy to cut and open, high film output rate per unit weight.


Powder Bag
Clothing Bag
Shopping Bag
Garbage Bag
Cling Film
Industrial Film




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