
To make it easier for everyone to access our Polylactic Acid (PLA) products, we have launched an online ordering service for samples. As PLA products are a new type of bio-based material, they have attracted significant attention and are often requested in large quantities, which places considerable extra work on our team. To ensure we can continue providing high-quality samples, we charge a nominal fee to cover necessary labor and shipping costs. Rest assured, all sample fees will be fully credited back once the customer places an official order.

For more details, please contact us at info@sincdoo.com.

商品系列: PLA 家居系列

🌿 Sincdoo PLA家居系列 | 可持續與環保生活


✅ 由可再生資源製成 - 安全、生物可分解和環保負責。 ✅ 柔軟、透氣和抗過敏 - 適合敏感皮膚和無化學品的家庭。 ✅ 耐用且易於護理 - 長久的品質與簡單的維護。 ✅ 減少微塑料污染 - 傳統石油基產品的創新替代品。
